Incremental Poetry ~ 19 Lines

Soothing Sounds

A soothing sound can calm a nervous strain—
The rush of waves upon the sandy shore
The pitter-pitter-pat of falling rain

The majesty of waterfall’s uproar
The whisper of the wind among the leaves
The rush of waves upon the sandy shore

The chirp of geckoes hiding in the eaves
The rhythmic call of crickets in the night
The whisper of the wind among the leaves

A baby when he laughs with pure delight
The rooster gaily crowing at the dawn
The rhythmic call of crickets in the night

Faint footsteps as a doe rejoins her fawn
The joy to hear a loved one speak your name
The rooster gaily crowing at the dawn

For whether loud or soft, it’s all the same
A soothing sound can calm a nervous strain—
The joy to hear a loved one speak your name
The pitter-pitter-pat of falling rain.

Copyright © 2018 Abigail Gronway – All Rights Reserved

Welcome to my series, Incremental Poetry, where each week the featured poem will be one line longer than the one I share the week before. I have no idea how long I’ll keep this up, so we’ll just have to wait and see. Thank you for stopping by.

invented by Lewis Turco, combination of villanelle and terza rima
19-line poem consisting of 5 interlocking tercets plus a concluding quatrain
in which the 1st and 3rd lines of the first triplet appear as refrains.
The middle line of each triplet is repeated, reappearing as the last line of the succeeding triplet.
Meter: iambic pentameter
Rhyme scheme: ABA’ bCB cDC dED eFE fAFA’ (my choice for this one)
Alternate Rhyme scheme: ABA’ bCB cDC dED eFE fFAA’


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